Flow cytometer-derived fluorescence measurements were used to evaluate lot-
to-lot variability, cross-reactivity, and avidity of four antibodies. Varia
bility within kit 3 and 4 antibody lots was great, whereas kits 1 and 2 sta
ined parasites consistently. Kit 3 and 4 antibodies cross-reacted with non-
parvum Cryptosporidium; kit 1 and 4 antibodies cross-reacted with Giardia m
uris Kit 1 (primary only) 2, and 3 anti-Cryptosporidium antibodies formed l
ow-avidity complexes, unlike those in kits 1 (secondary) and 4 and all Giar
dia antibodies. Additionally, the authors quantified the ability of antibod
ies to bind stressed and unstressed parasites following methodological proc
essing. The studies identified significant differences in antibody characte
ristics and performance.