Virulent Rhodococcus equi, which is a well-known cause of pyogranulomatous
pneumonia in foals, possesses a large plasmid encoding virulence-associated
15- to 17-kDa antigens, Foal and soil isolates from five countries-Argenti
na, Australia, Canada, France, and Japan-were investigated for the presence
of 15- to 17-kDa antigens by colony blotting, using the monoclonal antibod
y 10G5, and the gene coding for 15- to 17-kDa antigens by PCR, Plasmid DNAs
extracted from positive isolates were digested with restriction endonuclea
ses BamHI, EcoRI, EcoT22I, and HindIII, and the digestion patterns that res
ulted divided the plasmids of virulent isolates into five closely related t
ypes. Three of the five types had already been reported in Canadian and Jap
anese isolates, and the two new types had been found in French and Japanese
isolates. Therefore, we tentatively designated these five types 85-kb type
I (pREAT701), 85-kb type II (a new type), 87-kb type I (EcoRI and BamHI ty
pe 2 [V. M. Nicholson and J. F. Prescott, J. Clin. Microbiol. 35:738-740, 1
997]), 87-kb type II (a new type), and 90-kb, (pREL1) plasmids, The 85-kb t
ype I plasmid was found in isolates from Argentina, Australia, Canada, and
France. Plasmid 87-kb type I was isolated in specimens from Argentina, Cana
da, and France. The 85-kb type IT plasmid appeared in isolates from France.
On the other hand, plasmids 87-kb type IT and 90-kb were found only in iso
lates from Japan, These results revealed geographic differences in the dist
ribution of the virulence plasmids found in the five countries and suggeste
d that the restriction fragment length polymorphism of virulence plasmids m
ight be useful to elucidate the molecular epidemiology of virulent R. equi
in the world.