Nitrous oxide emissions from soil amended with untreated liquid manure (slu
rry), anaerobically digested slurry, or inorganic fertilizers (calcium ammo
nium nitrate or urea) were quantified in a field study revering two growth
seasons of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), In the first year incorporat
ion before seeding was compared with trail hose application 5 wk after seed
ing, In the second year all fertilizers were applied before seeding, while
soil moisture and initial NO3- availability was varied. Accumulated N2O los
ses between the time of fertilization and ca. 1 July represented 0.14 to 0.
35%: of total N in 1996 and 0.34 to 0.64% in 1997, In both years the highes
t N2O emissions were observed with untreated slurry, whereas digested slurr
y and inorganic fertilizers Here at a similar level,Increasing the soil moi
sture content or NO3-; availabiliiy had no significant effect on accumulate
d N2O losses. Although metabolizable C may thus have stimulated N, emission
s via denitrification from untreated slurry, the largest contribution to N2
O fluxes probably came from nitrification with all fertilizer types, Using
the IPCC guidelines it was estimated that anaerobic digestion of slurry per
se could potentially reduce N,O emissions from Danish agriculture hy 1.2 t
o 2.5%.