We documented potential spatial differences within the aquatic bacterial co
mmunity in a newly rehabilitated wetland. Replicate 10 meter transects were
partitioned into four sites of various depths representing open water (>35
cm), water/ macrophyte interface (20-30 cm), a submersed macrophyte bed (1
0-25 cm), and a nearly dry (<5 cm) macrophyte stand. We isolated 30 bacteri
al strains from the senescing plant/water interface from each site, and cha
racterized the Gram stain and morphology across each transect. The majority
of isolates (66.6%) were Gram negative, bacillus forms. Also, senescing ma
tter from each site was collected and the ability of each set of isolates t
o utilize each leachate was tested. The isolated bacteria exhibited a signi
ficantly greater ability (p< 0.05) to utilize its co-occurring leachate tha
n did bacteria from other sites within a transect.