Background: There is mounting confusion as to which anatomic scoring system
s can be used to adequately control for trauma case mis when predicting pat
ient survival.
Methods: Several Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and International Classific
ation of Disease Clinical (ICD-9CM) -based methods of scoring severity were
compared by using data from the Pennsylvania Trauma Outcome Study, By usin
g a design dataset, the probability of survival was modeled as a function o
f each score or profile. Resulting coefficients were used to derive expecte
d probabilities in a test dataset; expected and observed probabilities were
then compared by using standard measures of discrimination and calibration
Results: The modified Anatomic Profile, Anatomic Profile, and New Injury Se
verity Score outperformed the International Classification of Disease-based
Injury Severity Score. This finding remains true when AIS values are obtai
ned by means of a conversion from International Classification of Disease t
o AIS,
Conclusion: Results support the integrity of the AIS and argue for its cont
inued use in research and evaluation. The modified Anatomic Profile, Anatom
ic Profile, and New Injury Severity Score, however, should be used in prefe
rence to the Injury Severity Score as an overall measure of severity.