Background: From September 1988 through April 1998, 1000 liver transplantat
ions were performed on 911 patients. The standard technique for liver re-va
scularization to,guarantee an optimal blood inflow during transplantation w
as modified in 19% of the cases on the arterial side and in 5.6% of the cas
es on the portal side as a result of unusual anatomical features and pathol
ogical changes in the vasculature of the organ recipient. In 113 transplant
ations, successful reconstruction of accessory vessels of the graft (12 lef
t and 101 right hepatic arteries) was performed without complications. It i
s our opinion that preoperative diagnosis of the vasculature (stenoses of t
he celiac trunk etc.) of the organ recipient by duplexsonography and angiog
raphy is necessary. Even with the help of these tests, it is extremely diff
icult to diagnose a "steal" syndrome in the splenic artery: for example, 31
of 40 patients with poor liver function received postoperative therapy for
newly diagnosed "steals". Results and conclusions: There is no increase in
complications (stenosis and thrombosis) with modifications of arterial rec
onstruction (4.9 vs 6.3%); however, with modification of portal reconstruct
ion the increase is from 2.4% to 8.3%.