A Laplace transform solution is presented for the problem of flow to a
partially penetrating well of finite diameter in a slightly compressi
ble water table aquifer. The solution, which allows for evaluation of
both pumped well and observation piezometer data, accounts for effects
of well bore storage and skin and allows for the noninstantaneous rel
ease of water from the unsaturated zone. For instantaneous release of
water from the unsaturated zone the solution approaches the line sourc
e solution derived by Neuman as the diameter of the pumped well approa
ches zero. Delayed piezometer response? which is significant during ti
mes of rapidly changing hydraulic head, is included in the theoretical
treatment and shown to be an important factor in accurate evaluation
of specific storage. By means of a hypothetical field example it is de
monstrated that evaluations of specific storage (S-s) using classical
line source solutions may yield values of S-s that are overestimated b
y a factor of 100 or more, depending upon the location of the observat
ion piezometers and whether effects of delayed piezometer response are
included in the analysis. Theoretical responses obtained with the pro
posed model are used to suggest methods for evaluating specific storag