We introduce a fast technique, based on the principles of the 2D Look-Locke
r T-1 measurement scheme, to rapidly acquire the data for accurate maps of
T-1 in three dimensions. The acquisition time has been shortened considerab
ly by segmenting the acquisition of the k(y) phase encode lines. Using this
technique, the data for a 256 x 128 x 32 volumetric T-1 measurement can be
acquired in 7.6 min. T-1 measurements made in phantoms with T(1)s between
200 and 1200 ms had an accuracy of 4% and a reproducibility of 3.5%. Measur
ements of T-1 made in normal brain using the fast 3D sequence corresponded
well with inversion-recovery fast spin-echo measurements. (C) 1999 Elsevier
Science Inc.