Psychiatric co-morbidity with epilepsy is common and often requires the com
bined use of psychotropic and antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Antidepressants a
nd antipsychotic agents are believed to lower the threshold for new-onset s
eizures and recurrent seizures in epilepsy patients. Factors that influence
the risk for seizures during psychotropic drug therapy include the intrins
ic convulsant potential of the drug, the drug dosage and plasma concentrati
on, and patient-related risk factors for seizure occurrence. Available evid
ence supports an increased risk for seizures associated with antidepressant
and antipsychotic agents in overdose and during therapeutic use of high do
ses of selected drugs. However, a clear differentiation in seizure risk bet
ween most antidepressants and antipsychotics used at low to moderate therap
eutic doses is not often possible. Limited studies of psychotropic drug use
in patients with epilepsy demonstrate that these agents usually have a pos
itive effect on the underlying psychiatric condition without an adverse eff
ect on seizure occurrence. Pharmacokinetic interactions between AEDs and ps
ychotropic drugs are common. Plasma concentration monitoring is often usefu
l for minimizing the adverse consequences of these drug-drug interactions.