Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of transconjunctival frontalis susp
ension in patients with blepharoptosis and poor levator function (eyelid ex
cursion less then 5 mm).
Methods: The medical records of 29 patients (50 ptotic eyelids) were review
Results: Four patients (eight eyelids) had blepharophimosis syndrome, ten p
atients (27 eyelids) had congenital ptosis, seven patients (14 eyelids) had
myogenic ptosis, and one patient tone eyelid) had neurogenic ptosis. Surgi
cal results were good and complications were minimal during follow-up inter
vals ranging from six months to seven years.
Conclusions: Transconjunctival frontalis suspension is technically simpler
than traditional external frontalis suspension and yields satisfactory func
tional and cosmetic results in patients with poor levator function.