Three eyes of 3 patients were operated on for severe proliferative diabetic
retinopathy with tractional and/or rhegmatogenous retinal detachment using
perfluoro-n-octane as temporary tamponade, The perfluorocarbon was removed
at the end of the procedure. Intraocular tamponade was provided by a long-
acting gas in all eyes. The intraoperative use of perfluorocarbon effective
ly facilitated retinal flattening and endophotocoagulation. Anatomical succ
ess was obtained in all 3 cases, with a minimum follow-up of 10 months. Vis
ual acuity improved in all eyes. The main advantages of perfluorocarbon are
that it enables easy flattening of the posterior retinal folds and effecti
ve endophotocoagulation with good visual conditions.