Thirty-two children affected by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) were st
udied with serial measurements of bone mass for an average of 18 months, to
evaluate the effects of long-term methotrexate (MTX) treatment on bone. Bo
ne mineral density (BMD) was measured on lumbar spine and total body. Durin
g MTX therapy some increase in BMD was observed, though this was smaller th
an in a control group of healthy children. Axial (spine and trunk) and appe
ndicular (upper and lower Limbs) BMD showed similar increases. BMD, either
as an absolute value or as a percent variation from baseline, did not corre
late with either MTX dose or length of therapy. In children treated also wi
th corticosteroids, these drugs negatively influenced bone mass increase. T
he main determinant of absolute spine BMD value appeared to be weight, whil
e height and lean mass seemed to be the determinants of total body BMD. Pub
ertal stage and disease activity significantly influenced the yearly change
in BMD. In conclusion, our data suggest that long-term, low-dose therapy w
ith MTX does not induce osteopenia in children with JRA.