All transmitters in a Single Frequency Network (SFN) simultaneously tr
ansmit the same information within the same frequency block. Simulcast
ing provides a diversity gain which has been shown to yield good cover
age. In traditional analysis uncorrelated shadow fading is used. In so
me cases this assumption does not capture the behaviour of the shadow
fading, e.g. when several transmitters are shadowed by a large obstacl
e. In this paper we investigate the changes in coverage due to correla
tion among the received signals field strength from different transmit
ters. A spatial shadow fading correlation model is proposed and valida
ted using the Blomquist-Ladell [13] prediction method on a digital ter
rain data base. Results for both wide area and local SFN show that the
coverage properties depends on the correlation in the shadow fading.
This will affect the planning process since strong correlation, due to
the structure of the terrain, yields better coverage for high transmi
tter powers (interference limited systems) and worse coverage for low
transmitter powers (noise limited systems).