Phagocytes respond to stimulation with a burst of oxygen consumption, and m
uch, if not all, of the extra oxygen consumed in the respiratory burst is c
onverted first to the superoxide anion and then to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
. Myeloperoxidase (MPO), which is released from cytoplasmic granules of neu
trophils and monocytes by a degranulation process, reacts with the H2O2 for
med by the respiratory burst to form a complex that can oxidize a large var
iety of substances. Among the latter is chloride, which is oxidized initial
ly to hypochlorous acid, with the subsequent formation of chlorine and chlo
ramines. These products of the MPO-H2O2-chloride system are powerful oxidan
ts that can have profound biological effects. The primary function of neutr
ophils is the phagocytosis and destruction of microorganisms, and the relea
se of MPO and H2O2 into the phagosome containing the ingested microorganism
generally leads to a rapid microbicidal effect. Neutrophils from patients
with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) have a microbicidal defect that is
associated with the absence of a respiratory burst and, thus, H2O2 product
ion. Neutrophils from patients with a hereditary MPO deficiency, who lack M
PO, also have a microbicidal defect, although it is not as severe as that s
een in CGD. MPO and H2O2 also can be released to the outside of the cell wh
ere a reaction with chloride can induce damage to adjacent tissue and, thus
, contribute to the pathogenesis of disease. It has been suggested that pul
monary injury, renal glomerular damage, and the initiation of atherosclerot
ic lesions may be caused by the MPO system.