This paper introduces a new class of methods, which we call Mobius schemes,
for the numerical solution of matrix Riccati differential equations. The a
pproach is based on viewing the Riccati equation in its natural geometric s
etting, as a flow on the Grassmannian of m-dimensional subspaces of an (n+m
)-dimensional vector space. Since the Grassmannians are compact differentia
ble manifolds, and the coefficients of the equation are assumed continuous,
there are no singularities or intrinsic instabilities in the associated fl
ow. The presence of singularities and numerical instabilities is an artifac
t of the coordinate system, but since Mobius schemes are based on the natur
al geometry, they are able to deal with numerical instability and pass accu
rately through the singularities. A number of examples are given to demonst
rate these properties.