Among various semiconductor technologies applied in photovoltaics, thin-fil
m technologies offer several attractive features, both technically and econ
omically. Recent developments of silicon thin-film devices predominantly ba
sed on amorphous silicon (a-Si), are described. Particular emphasis is plac
ed on the importance of the substrates that consist of glass coated with a
transparent conductive oxide (TCO) to serve as front contact layer of the p
hotovoltaic film combination. The electrical conductivity and optical absor
ption of the TCO substantially affect the energy conversion efficiency of s
olar modules. An essential enhancement of the light absorption within the p
hotoactive a-Si layer is derived from a surface texture of the TCO, that pr
ovides index-grading for lower front reflection, and light scattering to re
sult in light trapping due to total internal reflections within the a-Si. T
he requirements for optimal TCO properties are reviewed in the context of t
heir availability. Additionally, novel cell structures involving microcryst
alline silicon, are expected to lead to higher efficiencies. Thin-film tech
nologies, led by those based on a-Si, will take on an increased role in mod
ule production worldwide, which is consistent with favorable manufacturing
cost expectations. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.