T. Kajimoto et al., Above- and belowground biomass and net primary productivity of a Larix gmelinii stand near Tura, central Siberia, TREE PHYSL, 19(12), 1999, pp. 815-822
We assessed above- and belowground biomass and net primary production (NPP)
of a mature Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. forest (240-280 years old) establ
ished on permafrost soils in central Siberia. Specifically, we investigated
annual carbon budgets in roots in relation to root system development and
availability of soil resources. Total stand biomass estimated by allometry
was about 39 Mg ha(-1). Root biomass (17 Mg ha(-1)) comprised about 43% of
total biomass. Coarse root (greater than or equal to 5 mm in diameter) biom
ass was about twice that of fine roots (< 5 mm). The aboveground biomass/ro
ot biomass ratio (T/R) of the larch stand was about unity, which is much le
ss than that of other boreal and subalpine conifer forests. The proportion
of fine roots in total root biomass (35%) was relatively high compared with
other cold-climate evergreen conifer forests. Total NPP, defined as the su
m of annual biomass increment of woody parts and needle biomass, was estima
ted to be 1.8 Mg ha(-1) year(-1). Allocation of total NPP to needle product
ion was 56%. The proportion of total NPP in belowground production (27%) wa
s less than for evergreen taiga forests. However, belowground NPP was proba
blyunderestimatedbecauserootmortalitywasexcluded.We conclude that L. gmelin
ii trees invested annual carbon gains largely into needle production or roo
ts, or both, at the expense of growth of aboveground woody parts. This carb
on allocation pattern, which resulted in the construction of exploitative r
oot networks, appeared to be a positive growth response to the nutrient-poo
r permafrost soil of central Siberia.