This article investigates the contribution of inter-regional disparity to t
otal national inequality in household expenditure, by decomposing national
inequality into within- and between-province components. This is done by ap
plying the Theil inequality decomposition technique to household expenditur
e data from the National Socio-Economic Survey. Whereas interprovincial dis
parity accounted for 12-14% of total inequality among urban households and
7-8% among rural households, urban-rural disparity accounted for 22-24% of
total national inequality A Kuznets curve drawn according to the 1993 Susen
as data indicates a peak inequality value of 0.27 (using Theil index T) whe
n the share of urban households reaches 53.2%;this share is much larger tha
n the actual 1993 urbanisation level of 32.1%. Further urbanisation is ther
efore likely to raise total inequality, even if other conditions remain sta