Microbial persistence may be involved in the pathogenesis of idiopathic dil
ated cardiomyopathy (IDC). Therefore, we evaluated the role of various card
iopathogenic microorganisms in patients with end-stage IDC. In a previous s
tudy, we did not find evidence for the persistence of enterovirus RNA in en
d-stage IDC. In the present study, we looked for other microorganisms that
are frequently associated with heart disease, including cytomegalovirus, he
patitis B virus,hepatitis C virus, Borrelia burgdorferi, Chlamydia species,
mycoplasmata, and Toxoplasma gondii. Serology, polymerase chain reaction (
PCR) analysis specific for detection of microbial genomic sequences, or bot
h investigations were performed on myocardial samples from 37 patients with
end-stage IDC. PCR analysis was performed on multiple myocardial samples p
er patient Thirty-nine patients with end-stage heart disease of known cause
were included as controls. On the basis of our serological data and PCR an
alyses, we did not find any evidence that microbial persistence in the hear
t is involved in the end-stage disease process of IDC.