The early papers by Klein, Sauter and Hund which investigate scattering off
a high step potential in the context of the Dirac equation are discussed t
o derive the 'paradox' first obtained by Klein. The explanation of this eff
ect in terms of electron-positron production is re-assessed. It is shown th
at a potential well or barrier in the Dirac equation can become supercritic
al and emit positrons or electrons spontaneously if the potential is strong
enough. If the well or barrier is wide enough, a seemingly constant curren
t is emitted. This phenomenon is transient whereas the tunnelling first cal
culated by Klein is time-independent. It is shown that tunnelling without e
xponential suppression occurs when an electron is incident on a high barrie
r, even when the barrier is not high enough to radiate. Klein tunnelling is
therefore a property of relativistic wave equations and is not necessarily
connected to particle emission. The Coulomb potential is investigated and
it is shown that a heavy nucleus of sufficiently large Z will bind positron
s. correspondingly, as Z increases the Coulomb barrier should become increa
singly transparent to positrons. This is an example of Klein tunnelling. Ph
enomena akin to supercritical positron emission may be studied experimental
ly in superfluid He-3.