Microalbuminuria (an increased urinary albumin excretion that is not detect
able by the usual dipstick methods for macroproteinuria) predicts cardiovas
cular events in essential hypertensive patients. A possible reason for this
behavior is that albumin leaks through exaggeratedly permeant glomeruli ex
posed to the damaging impact of subclinical atherogenesis. To evaluate this
possibility, the transcapillary escape rate of albumin (TERalb, the 1-hour
decline rate of intravenous I-125-albumin), a parameter that estimates the
integrity of systemic capillary permeability, albuminuria, blood pressure,
echocardiographic left ventricular mass, lipids, and body mass index were
measured in 73 uncomplicated, glucose-tolerant men with essential hypertens
ion and normal renal function; 53 were normoalbuminuric, and 20 were microa
lbuminuric. Twenty-one normotensive age-matched male subjects were the cont
rols. TERalb was higher in hypertensives, a behavior explained in part by a
positive correlation with blood pressure values, although body mass index,
lipids, and left ventricular mass showed no association. Transcapillary al
bumin leakage values did not differ between normoalbuminuric and microalbum
inuric patients and were unrelated to albuminuria. Blood pressure, particul
arly systolic, and cardiac mass were higher in microalbuminuric patients in
whom albuminuria correlated with both cardiovascular variables and indicat
ed the influence of the hemodynamic load on urinary albumin levels. Thus, T
ERalb, a parameter influenced by the permeability surface area product for
macromolecules and the filtration power across the vascular wall, is altere
d in essential hypertensives. However, this abnormality is dissociated from
the amount of albuminuria, which is contrary to the hypothesis that a high
er albumin excretion reflects a greater degree of systemic microvascular da
mage in essential hypertension.