This paper deals with the problem of channel assignment in mobile communica
tion systems, In particular, we propose an alternative approach to solving
the dynamic channel assignment (DCA) problem through a form of real-time re
inforcement learning known as Q learning. Instead of relying on a known tea
cher, the system is designed to learn an optimal assignment policy by direc
tly interacting with the mobile communication environment. The performance
of the Q-learning-based DCA was examined by extensive simulation studies on
a 49-cell mobile communication system under various conditions including h
omogeneous and inhomogeneous traffic distributions, time-varying traffic pa
tterns, and channel failures, Comparative studies with the fixed channel as
signment (FCA) scheme and one of the best dynamic channel assignment strate
gies (MAXAVAIL) have revealed that the proposed approach is able to perform
better than the FCA in various situations and capable of achieving a simil
ar performance to that achieved by the MAXAVAIL, but with a significantly r
educed computational complexity.