In the expendable pattern casting (EPC) process, sand was fully transported
and compacted around the coated patterns by vibration. Difficulty often ar
ose when it was necessary for sand to be transported into long horizontal c
hannels in order to make complex castings. The significant resistance betwe
en the particles and the surface of foam patterns and the interlocking amon
gst sand particles would obstruct the movement of sand. This causes incompl
etely filled foam cavities, producing the chance of casting defects, The be
haviour of sand motion in the flask therefore played an important role in d
esigning mould cavities,
This paper studied experimentally the sand flow in the flask, and the tilli
ng efficiency of sand into long horizontal cavities under various vibration
conditions. The experiment results indicated that the behaviour of sand fl
ow depended strongly on the depth of the sand bulk, direction of vibration
and the exciting level. The response of the flask under resonant state sign
ificantly enhanced the fluidity of sand due to the imposition of two-dimens
ional vibration. Distinct zones and circulation loops of sand flow were gen
erated within the vibrating flask, Sand filling in the cavities at various
locations of sand bulk was also measured and discussed.