In a multicenter study, photopatch test results from more than 1500 pa
tients were evaluated between 1985 and 1990 and from 614 patients betw
een 1990 and 1992. Photopatch testing was conducted according to a sta
ndardized procedure. Nearly half of the photoreactions were unclassifi
able according to the classic definitions of photoallergic or phototox
ic reactions. To facilitate the interpretation of these remaining phot
opatch test reactions, we developed a computerized substance specific
reaction pattern analysis. By sequential readings from immediately aft
er irradiation up to 72 h later and by morphological qualification of
the reactions, the time course and morphological changes of each indiv
idual reaction were monitored. The summation of each individual photor
eaction resulted in an overall reaction pattern of a specific substanc
e. Four main categories could be distinguished. The first category was
characterized by a peak immediately after irradiation followed by a d
ecrescendo reaction. The second category comprized reactions combining
an immediate with a delayed reaction. The third category exhibited a
plateau-like delayed reaction. The fourth category showed delayed reac
tions in a crescendo pattern. Whereas category 1 represents classic ph
ototoxic and category 4 classic photoallergic reaction patterns, the u
nderlying mechanisms of categories 2 and 3 remain to be investigated.
Typical substances of category 1 were many of the tested systemic drug
s, such as furosemide, most of which are well-known phototoxic agents.
Disinfectants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and phenothiazin
es showed the reaction patterns of categories 2 and 3, A delayed-type
reaction (category 4) could be demonstrated for well-known photoallerg
ens such as fenticlor, musk ambrette, and ultraviolet adsorbents in su
nscreens. To prove the specifity of the cumulative reaction patterns,
a second test series was analyzed, including 614 patients. Comparison
of the reaction patterns from 1985-1990 with the reaction patterns fro
m 1990-1992 showed in most cases a virtual indentity. Therefore, it is
concluded that pattern analysis reveals a characteristic feature of a
given substance, opening new aspects for evaluation of photosensitizi
ng substances.