We consider part of the problem of schema-biased inductive synthesis of rec
ursive logic programs from incomplete specifications, such as clausal evide
nce (for instance, but not necessarily, ground positive and negative exampl
es). After synthesizing the base clause and introducing recursive call(s) t
o the recursive clause, it remains to combine the overall result from the p
artial results obtained through recursion, so as to complete the recursive
clause. Evidence for this combination relation can be abduced from the init
ially given evidence for the top-level relation. A program for this combina
tion relation can be anything, from a single clause performing a unificatio
n (such as for lastElem) to multiple guarded clauses performing unification
s (such as for filtering programs) to recursive programs (such as for naive
reverse). Existing methods cannot induce guarded clause programs far this
combination relation from the abduced evidence. Some existing methods canno
t even detect that the combination program itself may have to be recursive
and thus they then do not recursively invoke themselves the overall recursi
ve program synthesizer. We introduce our Program Completion Method as a sui
table extension and generalization of the existing methods. (C) 1999 John W
iley & Sons, Inc.