Concerning the pull-through defect, which is a sort of defect of the glass-
lining, the following two inspection methods were investigated. One inspect
ion method is to detect the fluorescent pull-through defect by adding a flu
orescent substance to the ground coat. Another inspection method is to dete
ct the difference in color between the pull-through defect and the cover co
at under a sodium lamp, as a monochromatic light source. This latter method
utilizes the difference in the absorption coefficient of the light of the
sodium lamp between the pull-through defect and the cover coat. In ease of
the luminescence substance addition, the fluoresence is not detected after
3-h firing and the cost of products increases 20% because of the expensive
luminescence substance. Therefore it is difficult to apply the luminescence
substance addition to the inspection method. In case of the phosphor addit
ion, the fluorescence is detected after long firing and the cost of product
s increases under 0.5%, In ease of using the sodium lamp, it is necessary t
o take the conventional light source or 450 nm monochromatic light source t
ogether with the sodium lamp to distinguish between the pull-through defect
and a large bubble. The phosphor addition and the sodium lamp utilization
are useful as a pull-through defects inspection method.