The nucleon spin structure functions have been extracted from measurements
of asymmetries in deep inelastic scattering of polarized leptons on polariz
ed nuclei. The polarized nuclei present in practical targets: H, H-2, He-3,
N-14, (NI)-N-15 Li-6, and Li-7, are, with the exception of hydrogen, syste
ms of bound nucleons, some of which can attain significant degrees of align
ment. All the aligned nucleons contribute to the asymmetries. The contribut
ions of each nuclear species to the asymmetry have to be carefully determin
ed, before a reliable value for the net nucleon asymmetry is obtained. For
this purpose, the spin component of the nuclear angular momentum for every
nuclear state and the probability of each state have to be known with suffi
cient accuracy. In this paper I discuss the basic corrections used to estim
ate the contributions of the different nuclei, with emphasis on the A=6 and
7 Li isotopes present in the (LiH)-H-2 polarized target used during SLAG E
xperiment 155 to study the deuteron spin structure. [S0556-2813(99)04308-3]