Safety monitoring systems of structures generally resort to detecting possi
ble changes of dynamic system parameters. Sensitivity analysis of these dyn
amic system parameters may implement these techniques. Conventional structu
ral eigenvalue problems are discussed in the scope of those systems with de
terministic parameters. Large and flexible structures, such as suspension b
ridges, actually possess stochastic material properties and these random pr
operties unavoidably affect the dynamic system parameters. The sensitivity
matrix of structural modal parameters to basic design variables has been es
tablished in this paper. Moreover, second order statistics of natural frequ
encies due to the randomness of material properties have been discussed. It
is concluded from numerical analysis of a modem suspension bridge that alt
hough the second order statistics of frequencies are small relatively to th
e change of basic design variables, such as density of mass and modulus of
elasticity, the sensitivities of modal parameters to these variables at dif
ferent locations change in magnitude.