We address the problem of increasing the impact of formal methods in the pr
actice of industrial computer applications. We summarize the reasons why fo
rmal methods so far did not gain widespread use within the industrial envir
onment despite several promising experiences. We suggest an evolutionary ra
ther than revolutionary attitude in the introduction of formal methods in t
he practice of industrial applications, and we report on our long-standing
experience which involves an academic institution, Politecnico di Milano, t
wo main industrial partners, ENEL and CISE, and occasionally a few other in
dustries. Our approach aims at augmenting an existing and fairly deeply roo
ted informal industrial methodology with our original formalism, the logic
specification language TRIO. On the basis of the experiences we gained we a
rgue that our incremental attitude toward the introduction of formal method
s within the industry could be effective largely independently from the cho
sen formalism.