African and Asian mountains and highlands are ecoregions of particular impo
rtance for sustainable development due to their intensive land-use systems,
their generally low economic productivity and integration, and the increas
ing rates of land degradation and mountain hazards. Opportunities for susta
inable development exist, if ways to overcome land degradation can be found
. The percentage of people who are engaged in subsistence agriculture can b
e reduced in favor of the secondary and tertiary sectors, protected areas c
an be better managed, access to remote areas improved, mountain waters util
ized in a more integrated highland-lowland interaction, and mechanisms to m
anage conflicts developed. Research in support of sustainable development n
eeds to focus on transdisciplinary approaches in order to develop appropria
te technologies, improve land-management systems, and most importantly, cre
ate an enabling institutional environment. international cooperation is an
essential tool for exchanging and communicating successful experiences from
the local level to regional levels.