In the mouse embryo, primordial germ cells first appear in the extraembryon
ic mesoderm and divide rapidly while migrating to the fetal gonad. Shortly
after their arrival in the gonad, germ cells sexually differentiate as prol
iferation ceases. Previous studies have established that primordial germ ce
lls proliferate and migrate in feeder layer culture. To explore cellular re
gulation of fetal germ cell development, we have used germ cell nuclear ant
igen 1 (GCNA1), a marker normally expressed only in postmigratory germ cell
s, to investigate the developmental potency of both pre- and postmigratory
cells in this culture system. We found that explanted premigratory germ cel
ls will initiate expression of this marker and are, therefore, capable of u
ndertaking some aspects of gonocyte differentiation without intimate exposu
re to the fetal gonad. We have also tested whether postmigratory gonocytes
are stable in culture. As detected by either alkaline phosphatase or GCNA1,
we did not detect longterm survival of either prospermatogonia or oogonia
under conditions that support the survival, proliferation, and differentiat
ion of earlier premigratory cells. These observations are consistent with a
n autonomous cellular mechanism governing the initial stages of gonocyte di
fferentiation, and suggest that differentiation towards gonocytes is accomp
anied by a change in requirements for cell survival.