Sc. Gamble et al., Syrian hamster dermal cell immortalization is not enhanced by power line frequency electromagnetic field exposure, BR J CANC, 81(3), 1999, pp. 377-380
Several epidemiological studies have suggested associations between exposur
e to residential power line frequency electromagnetic fields and childhood
leukaemia, and between occupational exposure and adult leukaemia. A variety
of in vitro studies have provided limited supporting evidence for the role
of such exposures in cancer induction in the form of acknowledged cellular
end points, such as enhanced mutation rate and cell proliferation, though
the former is seen only with extremely high flux density exposure or with c
o-exposure to ionizing radiation. However, in vitro experiments on a scale
large enough to detect rare cancer-initiating events, such as primary cell
immortalization following residential level exposures, have not thus far be
en reported. In this study, large cultures of primary Syrian hamster dermal
cells were continuously exposed to power line frequency electromagnetic fi
elds of 10 100 and 1000 mu T for 60 h, with and without prior exposure to a
threshold (1.5 Gy), or sub-threshold (0.5 Gy), immortalizing dose of ioniz
ing radiation. Electromagnetic field exposure alone did not immortalize the
se cells at a detectable frequency (greater than or equal to 1 x 10(-7)); f
urthermore,such exposure did not enhance the frequency of ionizing radiatio
n-induced immortalization. (C) 1999 Cancer Research Campaign.