Knowledge of nuclear DNA content will facilitate future? molecular studies
of turfgrasses. The objective of this study was to determine genome size of
12 turfgrass species and an interspecific hybrid by means of now cytometry
and to compare genome size of warm and cool-season grasses. The seven spec
ies and an interspecific hybrid of warm-season turfgrasses had genome sizes
ranging from 0.86 to 1.95 pg/2C, while the genome sizes of five cool seaso
n grasses ranged from 5.65 to 15.59 pg/2C. Ploidy levels of the samples wer
e also determined. The observation of the distinct genome sizes of the warm
and cool-season turfgrasses agrees with previous reports regarding genome
sizes of tropical and temperate species in certain angiosperm families incl
uding Gramineae.