Fatigue Profile, a new numerical method for characterising fatigue in isoki
netic cycle ergometry is presented and compared with the conventional fatig
ue index (FI). The new method describes the temporal development of muscle
fatigue based on the decline of peak power output throughout a whole trial.
The advantage of this method is demonstrated by the analysis of two 25 s m
aximum trials, separated by 90 s recovery, performed by a well-trained athl
ete at a pedal frequency of 120 revolutions per minute. A fourth degree pol
ynomial was fitted to model the peak power data. Using the polynomial model
coefficients the first derivative represented the rate of changing peak po
wer which represented the Fatigue Profile. The conventional FI was calculat
ed as -35 Ws(-1) and -32 Ws(-1) for trials 1 and 2 respectively, indicating
minor differences in fatigue between trials. In contrast the Fatigue Profi
le revealed important numeric and temporal differences between the trials.
For trial 1 a maximum rate of peak power decline of -65 Ws(-1) was reached
at approximately 6 s into the trial. In marked contrast, in trial 2, maximu
m rate of peak power decline (-146 Ws(-1)) occurred immediately. The Fatigu
e Profile approach allows the characterisation of the temporal development
of fatigue under different experimental conditions and in combination with
other techniques may yield further insight into the underlying mechanisms o
f fatigue.