Gastrointestinal complications such as peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis,
acute cholecystitis, bowel ischaemia, and diverticulitis are rare after car
diac surgery (<1%), but are associated with high morbidity and mortality (a
bout 30%). Hypoperfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass seems a possible aet
iological factor. As many patients may be mechanically ventilated and sedat
ed, the usual symptoms and signs of an abdominal complication may be masked
. It is necessary to keep this possibility in mind in patients with abdomin
al pain or tenderness, and the usual diagnostic measures should be undertak
en if time permits. Initial treatment is usually conservative, but when it
fails, prompt intervention is obligatory. Unfortunately surgeons are often
reluctant to submit patients to major abdominal operations immediately afte
r cardiac surgery, However, effective and timely intervention may be life-s
aving in patients who are poorly able to compensate for the major haemodyna
mic disturbances of the untreated serious bleeding or sepsis. Although the
cardiac condition must be taken into consideration, most patients' cardiac
function will have improved since their open-heart surgery and they should
be able to withstand general anaesthesia and most operations.