Experiments have been performed to quantify the isothermal and combusting f
lows downstream of a plane sudden-expansion. The detailed measurements corr
espond to an area expansion ratio of 2.86 and a Reynolds number of 20000, a
nd the combusting flows comprised premixed methane and air over a range of
equivalence ratios with emphasis on values of 0.72 and 0.92 which gave rise
to smooth and rough combustion, respectively.
The results show that the extent of asymmetry of the isothermal flows was r
educed by coupling the pressures between the two recirculation regions, and
by imposing oscillations at the half-wave or full-wave frequency of the du
ct, and by combustion. Periodic variations of flame shape, velocities, acce
leration, and temperature were observed in sympathy with the dominant press
ure oscillation of rough combustion, and the length of the recirculation zo
nes varied from less than 0.5 to 3 step heights.
Rich and lean Limits were established for combustion within the duct and, w
hereas the flame blew off at the lean limit, it detached from the expansion
at the rich limit and stabilised on the flange at the duct exit. Within th
ese limits, there were ranges of equivalence ratios over which the flame st
abilised on one of the two steps with incomplete combustion. The imposition
of oscillations narrowed the range of equivalence ratios over which the fl
ame could be stabilised but reduced the equivalence ratio of the lean limit
at which the flame could be stabilised on both steps and the effect increa
sed with amplitude and was greatest when the frequency of the imposed oscil
lations corresponded to that of the half-wave in the duct. An increase in t
he amplitude of flow oscillations, natural or imposed, caused the concentra
tions of NOx measured at the duct exit to decrease.
Active control of flows with high amplitude of oscillations produced the ex
pected reductions, but not over the entire measured range of equivalence ra
tio, and the imposition of pressure oscillations at the second harmonic of
the halfwave frequency had a greater effect and over a wider range.