Because nitric oxide (NO) reacts with various molecules, such as hemeprotei
ns, superoxide and thiols including glutathione (GSH) and cysteine residues
in proteins, biological effects and metabolic fate of this gaseous radical
are affected by these reactants. Although the lifetime of NO is short part
icularly under air atmospheric conditions (where the oxygen tension is unph
ysiologically high), it increases significantly under physiologically low o
xygen concentrations. Because oxygen tensions in human body differ from one
tissue to another and change depending on their metabolism, bioloical acti
vity of NO in various tissues might be affected by local oxygen tensions. T
o elucidate the role of NO and related radicals in the regulation of circul
ation and energy metabolism, their effects on arterial resistance and energ
y metabolism in mitochondria, mammalian cells and enteric bacteria were stu
died under different oxygen tensions. Kinetic analysis revealed that NO-dep
endent generation of cGMP in resistance arteries and their relaxation were
strongly enhanced by lowering oxygen tensions in the medium. NO reversibly
suppressed the respiration and ATP synthesis of isolated mitochondria and i
ntact cells particularly under low oxygen tensions. Kinetic analysis reveal
ed that cross-talk between NO and superoxide generated in and around endoth
elial cells regulates arterial resistance particularly under physiologicall
y low oxygen tensions. NO also inhibited the respiration and ATP synthesis
of E, coli particularly under low oxygen tensions. Because concentrations o
f NO and H+ in gastric juice are high, most ingested bacteria are effective
ly killed in the stomach. However, the inhibitory effects of NO on the resp
iration and ATP synthesis of H. pylori are extremely small. Kinetic analysi
s revealed that H. pylori generates the superoxide radical thereby inhibiti
ng the bactericidal action of NO in gastric juice. Based on such observatio
ns, critical roles of the cross-talk of NO, superoxide and molecular oxygen
in the regulation of energy metabolism and survival of aerobic and microae
rophilic organisms are discussed.