Suppose (M) over bar is a compact connected odd-dimensional manifold with b
oundary, whose interior M comes with a complete hyperbolic metric of finite
volume. We will show that the L-2-topological torsion of (M) over bar and
the L-2-analytic torsion of the Riemannian manifold M are equal. In particu
lar, the L-2-topological torsion of (M) over bar is proportional to the hyp
erbolic volume of M, with a constant of proportionality which depends only
on the dimension and which is known to be nonzero in odd dimensions [HS]. I
n dimension 3 this proves the conjecture [Lu2, Conjecture 2.3] or [LLu, Con
jecture 7.7] which gives a complete calculation of the L-2-topological tors
ion of compact L-2-acyclic 3-manifolds which admit a geometric JSJT-decompo
In an appendix we give a counterexample to an extension of the Cheeger-Mull
er theorem to manifolds with boundary: if the metric is not a product near
the boundary, in general analytic and topological torsion are not equal, ev
en if the Euler characteristic of the boundary vanishes.