Primary care has not secured a firm place within the US health services sys
tem. Since primary care lacks a strong research base, is not institutionali
zed in medical education or in policy-making and is marginalized in both pr
oposed and actual reforms, it has not developed into a central component of
the health care infrastructure. We discuss recent efforts that promised mo
dest improvements, including the Clinton health care reform proposals and s
ubsequent federal and state actions, in the role of primary care within the
health services system. We also assess the likely fate of primary care giv
en the accelerated growth of managed care and market competition, the dissa
tisfaction of large segments of the population with managed care and misper
ceptions of managed care as synonymous with primary care. We highlight how
managed care fails to achieve the cardinal functions of primary care and su
mmarize initiatives that, at a minimum, would be required to secure a stron
ger position for primary care in the future.