This report describes an 82-year-old woman with dedifferentiated lipos
arcoma, an extremely rare neoplasm of the subcutis. The patient had fi
rst recognized a very soft mass in the anterolateral part of the right
thigh more than 20 years earlier, but because the tumor showed little
change over this period, she did not seek treatment. She recently not
iced a hard, rapidly growing mass within the former tumor. Both magnet
ic resonance imaging and axial computed tomography revealed a subcutan
eous fatty lesion measuring 12 x 7 x 4 cm and a well-delineated mass-l
ike area (4 x 3 x 3 cm) of nonfatty tissue within the lesion. Histolog
ically, the former was a mature lipomatous tumor with broad fibrous se
pta containing some atypical stromal cells, and the latter was a much
more cellular, spindle cell tumor with a malignant fibrous histiocytom
a-like pattern. The authors propose that dedifferentiated liposarcoma
is not restricted to the deep soft tissues and may develop in the subc
utis and further suggest appropriate surgical management for well-diff
erentiated fatty tumors of subcutaneous origin.