Knowledge of the effect of the physical characteristics of the snowpack on
the onset of snowmelt runoff is needed for the modelling of snowmelt runoff
. In the present study, the importance of ice layers in the snowpack to the
release of meltwater has been investigated. Artificial rain was simulated
over a snow plot of known dimensions prepared in the Glatzbach Basin in the
Austrian Alps. The experiment was performed at an altitude of 2640 m just
before the onset of snowmelt runoff from the snowpack at that altitude. Str
atigraphic studies were made before and after the experiment. The snowpack
contained five ice layers and the thickness of these layers varied from abo
ut 2 to 8 mm. The average liquid water content of the snowpack was about 4%
by volume before the rain simulation. The results indicate a substantial i
ncrease in the storage capacity of the snowpack due to the presence of ice
layers in the snowpack when it met saturated conditions because of rain wat
er input. An amount equivalent to 100 mm, which is about 9.25% by volume, w
as absorbed by the snow block before the appearance of runoff from the snow
plot. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.