The electromagnetic radiation and scattering properties of thin knotted wir
es are considered in this paper. A special class of knots, called torus kno
ts, are introduced for the purpose of this investigation. The parameterizat
ions available for torus knots are used in conjunction with Maxwell's equat
ions to formulate useful mathematical representations for the fields radiat
ed by these knots. These representations are then used to derive simple clo
sed form far-field expressions for electrically small torus knots, The deri
vation of a new electric field integral equation (EFIE) suitable for analys
is of toroidally knotted wires is also outlined in this paper. Finally, it
is demonstrated that the well-known expressions for the electromagnetic fie
lds radiated by a circular loop antenna (canonical unknot) may be obtained
as degenerate forms of the more general torus knot field representations.