The ability of Rhodococcus equi to induce pneumonia in foals depends on the
presence of an 85- to 90-kb plasmid, In this study, we evaluated whether p
lasmid-encoded products mediate virulence by modulating the cytokine respon
se of foals. Foals infected intrabronchially with a virulence plasmid-conta
ining strain of R. equi had similar gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and interl
eukin-12 (IL-12) p35 but significantly higher IL-1 beta, IL-10, IL-12 p40,
and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) mRNA expression in lung tissue
compared to foals infected with the plasmid-cured derivative, IFN-gamma mRN
A expression levels in CD4(+) T lymphocytes isolated from bronchial lymph n
odes (BLN) were similar for the two groups of R. equi-infected foals on day
3 postinfection. However, on day 14, in association with pneumonia and mar
ked multiplication of virulent R. equi but with complete clearance of the p
lasmid-cured derivative, IFN-gamma mRNA expression in BLN CD4(+) T lymphocy
tes was significantly (P < 0.001) higher in foals infected with the plasmid
-cured derivative. These results suggests an immunomodulating role for R. e
qui virulence plasmid-encoded products in downregulating IFN-gamma mRNA exp
ression by CD4(+) T lymphocytes.