PURPOSE. The action of growth factors is thought to make a substantial cont
ribution to the events leading to proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). In
this study, the importance of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was te
sted in a rabbit model of PVR.
METHODS. The approach was to compare the extent of PVR induced by cells tha
t do or do not express the receptors for PDGF and therefore differ in their
ability to respond to PDGF.
RESULTS. Mouse embryo fibroblasts derived from PDGF receptor knock-out embr
yos that do not express either of the two PDGF receptors induced PVR poorly
when injected into the eyes of rabbits that had previously undergone gas v
itrectomy. Re-expression of the PDGF beta receptor in these cells did not i
mprove the ability of the cells to cause PVR. In Contrast, injection of cel
ls expressing the PDGF a receptor resulted in stage 3 or higher PVR in 8 of
10 animals.
CONCLUSIONS. These findings show that PDGF makes an important contribution
to the development of PVR in this animal model. Furthermore, there is a mar
ked difference between the two receptors for PDGF, and it is the PDGF cu re
ceptor that is capable of driving events that lead to PVR.