We have calculated the atomic and the electronic structures of compressed l
iquid rubidium under high pressures up to 6 GPa on the basis of the quantal
hypernetted chain equations in combination with the Rosenfeld bridge funct
ional. The calculated structure factors are in reasonable agreement with th
e experimental results by Tsuji et al. under these high pressures using syn
chrotron radiation. All structure factors calculated for this pressure-vari
ation coincide almost into a single curve if wavenumbers are scaled in unit
s of the Wigner-Seitz radius; the compression in liquid rubidium is uniform
with increasing pressures. The effective ion-ion interactions remains almo
st unchanged under this pressure-variation. Results of calculation on liqui
d lithium confirm that effective ion-ion potentials for alkali metals have
the specific feature of scaling property in common. Furthermore, it is show
n that the uniform compression of liquid Rb can be explained simply by the
effective ion-ion interaction based on the Aschcroft pseudopotenital at the
room pressure with use of the scaling property.