This research builds on the findings of an ethnographic study of health ine
qualities in two small, rural communities in Northern Ireland. Through furt
her analysis of existing data, this second study aimed to explore health pr
ofessionals' perspectives on issues of service delivery relevant to governm
ent policy on primary care. Anthropological fieldwork was conducted for two
consecutive 4-month periods during 1995 and 1996 in one predominantly Cath
olic and one predominantly Protestant town. To preserve confidentiality, th
e locations have been given the pseudonyms, respectively, of Ballymacross a
nd Hunterstown. Research tools included fieldwork journals and a fieldwork
diary, meetings with key informants, tape-recorded interviews, group discus
sions, participant observation and use of secondary material such as census
data, local newspapers and community health profiles. interviews with 15 h
ealth workers revealed that there was not a coherent approach to achieving
health gain, little collaborative enterprise and minimal interaction betwee
n the different professional groups. The National Health Service (NHS)-empl
oyed primary care professionals, more than local community workers, appeare
d to be demoralized, exhausted and suspicious of the business-orientated he
alth service. In this respect, the primary care-led NHS appeared not to be
working. It is concluded that a shared health agenda should be developed by
NHS-employed primary care professionals and local community workers to cre
ate a health-inducing environment at community level. This needs to be comp
lemented by the establishment of formal mechanisms for inter-agency working
at local, professional and government levels.