We study budget constrained network upgrading problems. We are given an und
irected edge-weighted graph G = (V, E), where node upsilon E V can be upgra
ded at a cost of c(upsilon). This upgrade reduces the weight of each edge i
ncident on upsilon. The goal is to find a minimum cost set of nodes to be u
pgraded so that the resulting network has a minimum spanning tree of weight
no more than a given budget D. The results obtained in the paper include
1. On the positive side, we provide a polynomial time approximation algorit
hm for the above upgrading problem when the difference between the maximum
and minimum edge weights is bounded by a polynomial in n, the number of nod
es in the graph. The solution produced by the algorithm satisfies the budge
t constraint, and the cost of the upgrading set produced by the algorithm i
s O(log n) times the minimum upgrading cost needed to obtain a spanning tre
e of weight at most D.
2. In contrast, we show that, unless N-O subset of or equal to DTIME(n(O)((
log log n))), there can be no polynomial time approximation algorithm for t
he problem that produces a solution with upgrading cost at most alpha < In
n times the optimal upgrading cost even if the budget can be violated by a
factor f(n), for any polynomial time computable function f(rt). This result
continues to hold, with f(n) = n(k) being any polynomial, even when the di
fference between the maximum and minimum edge weights is bounded by a polyn
omial in n.
3. Finally, we show that using a sample binary search over the set of admis
sible values, the dual problem can be solved with an appropriate performanc
e guarantee, (C) 1999 Academic Press.