Ducting of microwave radiation is a common phenomenon over the oceans. The
height and strength of the duct are controlling factors for radar propagati
on and must be determined accurately to assess propagation ranges. A surfac
e evaporation duct commonly forms due to the large gradient in specific hum
idity just above the sea surface; a deeper surface-based or elevated duct f
requently is associated with the sudden change in temperature and humidity
across the boundary layer inversion.
In April 1996 the U.K. Meteorological Office C-130 Hercules research aircra
ft took part in the U.S. Navy Ship Antisubmarine Warfare Readiness/Effectiv
eness Measuring exercise (SHAREM-115) in the Persian Gulf by providing mete
orological support and making measurements for the study of electromagnetic
and electrooptical propagation. The boundary layer structure over the Gulf
is influenced strongly by the surrounding desert landmass. Warm dry air fl
ows from the desert over the cooler waters of the Gulf. Heat loss to the su
rface results in the formation of a stable internal boundary layer. The lay
er evolves continuously along wind, eventually forming a new marine atmosph
eric boundary layer. The stable stratification suppresses vertical mixing,
trapping moisture within the layer and leading to an increase in refractive
index and the formation of a strong boundary layer duct. A surface evapora
tion duct coexists with the boundary layer duct.
In this paper the authors present aircraft- and ship-based observations of
both the surface evaporation and boundary layer ducts. A series of sawtooth
aircraft profiles map the boundary layer structure and provide spatially d
istributed estimates of the duct depth. The boundary layer duct is found to
have considerable spatial variability in both depth and strength, and to e
volve along wind over distances significant to naval operations (similar to
100 km). The depth of the evaporation duct is derived from a bulk paramete
rization based on Monin-Obukhov similarity theory using near surface data t
aken by the C-130 during low-level (30 m) flight legs and by ship-based ins
trumentation. Good agreement is found between the two datasets. The estimat
ed evaporation ducts are found to be generally uniform in depth; however, l
ocalized regions of greatly increased depth are observed on one day, and a
marked change in boundary layer structure resulting in merging of the surfa
ce evaporation duct with the deeper boundary layer duct was observed on ano
ther, Both of these cases occurred within exceptionally shallow boundary la
yers (less than or equal to 100 m), where the mean evaporation duct depths
were estimated to be between 12 and 17 m. On the remaining three days the b
oundary layer depth was between 200 and 300 m, and evaporation duct depths
were estimated to be between 20 and 35 m, varying by just a few meters over
ranges of up to 200 km.
The one-way radar propagation factor is modeled for a case with a pronounce
d change in duct depth. The case is modeled first with a series of measured
profiles to define as accurately as possible the refractivity structure of
the boundary layer, then with a single profile collocated with the radar a
ntenna and assuming homogeneity. The results reveal large errors in the pro
pagation factor when derived from a single profile.