The parCBA operon of the 3.2-kb stabilization region of plasmid RK2 encodes
three cotranslated proteins. ParA mediates site-specific recombination to
resolve plasmid multimers, ParB has been shown to be a nuclease, and the fu
nction of ParC is unknown. In this study ParB was overexpressed by cotransl
ation with ParC in Escherichia coli by using a plasmid construct that conta
ined the parC and parB genes under the control of the T7 promoter. Purifica
tion was achieved by treatment of extracts with Polymin P, followed by ammo
nium sulfate precipitation and heparin and ion-exchange chromatography. Siz
ing-column analysis indicated that ParB exists as a monomer in solution. An
alysis of the enzymatic properties of purified ParB indicated that the prot
ein preferentially cleaves single-stranded DNA. ParB also nicks supercoiled
plasmid DNA preferably at sites with potential single-stranded character,
like AT-rich regions and sequences that can form cruciform structures, ParB
also exhibits 5'-->3' exonuclease activity. This ParB activity on a 5'-end
-labeled, double-stranded DNA substrate produces a 3',5'-phosphorylated din
ucleotide which is further cleaved to a 3',5'-phosphorylated mononucleotide
. The role of the ParB endonuclease and exonuclease activities in plasmid R
K2 stabilization remains to be determined.