Background. Long-gap esophageal atresia continues to be a challenging pedia
tric thoracic surgical problem. Despite the use of various tension relievin
g procedures, the esophageal anastomosis is often performed under considera
ble tension. Excessive tension can cause anastomotic sutures to pull throug
h the esophageal tissue, with resultant early esophageal anastomotic dehisc
ence, To test the hypothesis that interrupted horizontal mattress sutures w
ould withstand the forces of tension better than interrupted simple sutures
, an experimental study of rat esophageal anastomoses was done.
Methods. Twenty rats were killed and their esophagi were excised. The esoph
agi were divided in the mid portion and end-to-end anastomoses were done us
ing interrupted 6-0 polypropylene sutures. Ten rats had anastomoses done wi
th interrupted simple sutures and ten had interrupted horizontal mattress s
uturing. Anastomotic breaking strength was tested in a tensiometer,
Results,Anastomotic breaking strength was 3.22+/-0.56 N for the interrupted
simple sutured anastomoses and 3.51+/-0.61 N for the interrupted horizonta
l mattress group (p=0.30), The difference was not significant.
Conclusions, In this animal study interrupted simple and horizontal mattres
s suturing withstood the disruptive forces of anastomotic tension equally w